This first jacket is a white denim that I made as a gift for my sister. It includes swiss laces, hand enbroidered silk ribbons and motifs. One of my favorite shops is Tinseltown Trading ( in New York City. It is REALLY hard to restrain myself when I go there and several of the ribbons in this jacket come from there. The other embroidered trims come from Belgium and Switzerland.

This next jacket is a denim jacket that is trimmed with hand dyed silks, cut silk velvet with a flower motif, hand beaded roses and collar and silk trim. This one belongs to me and I really enjoy wearing it!
Finally, I made a black velvet jacket that is embellished with cut silk velvet that I outlined with beading and that I also trimmed with hand dyed silk velvets on the cuffs. I made this jacket for a presentation at the Peter's Valley benefit. I was SO lucky to be awarded an cash grant to pursue my artwork. Yippee! If you'd like, check out Peter's Valley Craft Center ( The center is a haven for craft artists housed in historic homes throughout the Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area in Western NJ. There are all kinds of classes throughout the summer months. If you are interested in taking a class, there is housing available and the meals are wonderful!
In the fall of each year Peters Valley sponsors a large fine crafts show/sale. It is quite the event with items for sale from some of the finest artisans in the Northeast.